Cynical Meat Sack

New Car Smell, Old Car Exhaust.

Thursday, September 08, 2005


Do what you will with this one…

The AP put out a story about a guy, Michael Anthony Mullen, in Washington State that confessed to killing two convicted child molesters. Read about it here.

There are two things I want to point out about this story that the AP didn’t follow-up on or just didn’t give a shit.

These two sex offenders were roommates.
These two sex offenders were roommates with a third fuck-tard who unfortunately left before his fuck-buddies were offed.

This is why the left is destroying our society. Three…THREE sex offenders…and I’m not talking about three guys who stick lamp-posts up their asses for kicks, these are the jack-pipes that cruise playgrounds and play slap and tickle while watching Barney…lived together.

We need to ask ourselves how is it that these three individuals were allowed to live together? What were they planning? (Don’t give me any shit about them not planning something…three rapists living together, do the math, eventually something bad was going to happen.) How were they able to find each other? (I retract that, they were obviously easy to find.)

I’ll tell you why these scum-bunnies were together: because the radical Left have cut off the balls of Justice. These three should never have been allowed to leave prison. You rape a child, you give up your life, rot in prison…sentenced to life getting raped. That’s exactly what they deserved, but because of the touchy-feely fucks that want us to believe that “it wasn’t their fault, it was their upbringing/culture/addiction/other excuse.”


Everyone has a choice.

Another question not asked: Why did Michael do it? What was his motivation? The AP isn’t going after that one. You know why? Because they’re afraid more people will use sites like this to track down these molesters and do the same thing.

Responsible journalism…yeah, right.

I’m not condoning being a vigilante. My big gripe is that because of all the garbage that happens in our courts, men like Michael Mullen are compelled to go out and deal out a little justice. Justice should have been served long before Michael went searching. Justice should have prevented these three rectal sores from ever seeing the outside of a cage…let alone living together.


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