Cynical Meat Sack

New Car Smell, Old Car Exhaust.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Air Marshals

Sorry folks, been crazy busy the last few days and I haven’t had a chance to do an update. So…here you go:

Speaking of crazy…by now you all have heard bout the bi-polar guy in Miami that was killed by the Air Marshals because he claimed he had a bomb.

I give his wife less than one month to sue American Airlines, Miami Airport, the city of Miami, the state of Florida, the Office of Homeland Security, and the officers that shot Rigoberto. You know it’s going to happen. I’m surprised the ACLU hasn’t already released a statement.

My wife and I had a discussion about this tonight. She weakly tried to argue about how she could see how the Air Marshals should have shown restraint in handling this situation. If he was truly a terrorist, they could have just wounded him and interrogated him in case he had accomplices.

She knew her argument was weak, so the conversation didn’t last long.

If I were riding in that plane, and someone starts running down the aisle like a freak yelling that he has a bomb, I want him dead. I don’t want him wounded, wounded means he’s pissed and will want retribution. Nope, kill him and ask questions later.

This may sound a bit harsh. I really do sympathize with Mrs. Buechner…no, they don’t have the same last name…she lost her husband of 20 years and that is a real tragedy. It must have been horrifying for her to watch this unfold. Knowing that her husband is just sick and not a terrorist, screaming to the other passengers to that effect, and the Air Marshals still kill him. I can’t imagine the feeling of helplessness that she must have gone through.

Still, if I were on that plane…kill him.

You just can’t take chances anymore. I used to love riding in the window seat on planes. Not now. Now I sit on the aisle. I’m a martial artist…no really, I am…and I know I’ve got a better chance of defending myself ,and the other people on the plane, if I’m in the aisle rather than trapped by the window.

The Air Marshal is there to prevent incidents. If this guy’s wife sues and wins, then every officer is going to get his nuts clipped. Training will be forced to be changed, and the potential for someone like this, who truly HAS a bomb, to successfully detonate a bomb will greatly increase. I don’t want an Air Marshal to second guess or hesitate…do the job and protect the people.

If she doesn’t sue, then this will send a giant message to terrorists: These Air Marshals don’t fuck around.

Homie Don’t Play That.


At 10:32 PM, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

Most terrorists are more than willing to become "martyrs" for their cause. That coupled with the fact terrorists purposely crashed planes into buildings means the days of "peaceful hijackings" are over. If a terrorist, or unbalanced nut-job is making threats you can bet he isn’t going to just hold the passengers for ransom - kill the bastard and everyone that even looks remotely like him.

At 6:08 AM, Blogger Dan said...

"The cockpit? What is it?"
"It's the big room up front where the pilots sit, but that's not important right now."

At 7:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

no kidding. post some of the best common sense, most logical thinking i've ever seen! i sit in the aisle. nobody is going to freak out & get me trapped. i'm a spaz...yes...but in crisis i'm quite calm. perhaps i should get into martial arts of some kind though...i'm certainly not tough. the little tai chi i remember wont be getting me anywhere unless i can use it to play jedi mind tricks.


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