Cynical Meat Sack

New Car Smell, Old Car Exhaust.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

In Non-Denominational Entity or No Higher Power We Trust

Anybody remember the atheist in San Francisco that tried to get the Pledge of Allegiance banned from public schools? Well apparently Michael Newdow isn’t done milking his 15 mins of fame. Now the hairless monkey is trying to get the words “In God We Trust” taking off of American currency.

I mock religion…a lot. But, this is just some sad attempt at taking a jab at conservatives. Is anyone really that offended at the word "GOD" is on money? Does anyone truly feel as though they are being prejudiced against because of a Fiver?

Pick your battles, dude. This ain’t the one.

Let’s face it. This nation was founded by Christians…not atheists, not Muslims, not Buddhists, not Wiccans, not even Flying Spaghetti Monster-ites. While I may not agree with Christians on their vision of what is and is not right, I really don’t care if the word God is on money.

I guess that’s what bugs me about this whole argument that he’s trying to sell people on. He thinks that it’s unconstitutional. “In God We Trust” is, in his view, a governmental support of God.

He may be right…or he may be an idiot. I’ll go with the last one. This is a really stupid waste of time. I hope that he loses everything he owns in court costs fighting this. Of course, some Hollywood jack-ass will support his monkey nuts. He’ll get a book deal…probably a Showtime Movie with him masturbating to a Spawn Comic…anything to keep his ugly mug in front of a camera.

I wonder if Cindy Sheehan is looking for someone to go on tour with.


At 10:18 PM, Blogger Deb said...

In the end of times "revelations"--this is supposed to happen. More evil will eventually swarm the earth. It's going to get worse before it gets better.

They always try taking God out of everything.

More and more, believers will turn into atheists due to influential and intellectual non-believers. Christians have to remain strong, if they truly believe.

Whether or not God is taken out of our dollar bill---He still remains in my heart, and in each Christian's heart. They can't take that away from us.

Great post!

At 11:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

couldnt agree more! what an idiot. i love your attitude about this. people need to chill the hell out sometimes.


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