Cynical Meat Sack

New Car Smell, Old Car Exhaust.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Two things that made me giggle

I was driving to work the other morning and spotted an absurdity that had to be a joke. It was a Dark Blue Chrysler PT Cruiser with a Misfits logo on the rear windshield. Not just a small bumper sticker, I'm talking a sticker the size of trash can lid.

Why is this strange?

Well, the Misfits were an underground punk band from the 80’s that still hasn’t died yet. It’s one of those bands who were considered talentless retards when they came out, but now their thought of as “pioneers”. A PT Cruiser is a car that tried to market to the younger crowd, but was embraced by middle-aged soccer parents.

So, putting a Misfits logo on a PT Cruiser is like putting your grandma in Hip Hop Gear and taking her to a club. It just doesn’t look right. Kind of like Michael Douglas in Basic Instinct when he’s dancing in the club with Sharon Stone. Just something wrong about that…he looked uncomfortable trying to dance.


The other thing I saw driving, and oh I wish I had a camera…

I rolled up to a stop light and this giant Yuko-burban-lade pulled up next to me thump’n loud like everyone else in a four state radius wants to hear that shit…and I notice this clown has got graffiti graphics all over the vehicle. Across the windows, all along the sides, and as he pulled away I saw that they were on the back as well.

It was one giant rolling advertisement for an All-White Rap group. How do I know that it’s an All-White group? The graphics on the rear were of these joker’s picture. You haven’t lived until you’ve seen shit like this. 9 guys giving their best, “I’m hard, I’m street” look…plastered on the back of an SUV.

I live in Indianapolis, people. We are so NOT street. These pose-wads are so lame, I can’t even come up with enough witty phrases to describe how pathetic these twerps are. There are corn fields RIGHT NEXT TO the international airport…you can’t be street with shit like that.

Sure, last year our NBA team tried to fight Detroit fans …all of them. Having the “Greatest Spectacle in Motor Racing” doesn’t count as street either…also, how is that the greatest? All they do is drive in an oval…that doesn’t seem great to me…the only great feat is that they don’t fall asleep. (Left…ok, left again…one more left…oh, I think I’ll go left again…look kids, Big Ben Parliament.)

It’s just sad, really. I will get a picture of this SUV…and I will post it.


At 10:38 PM, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

"I saw a deadhead sticker on a cadillac..."

I figure if some rapper was to stand up on MTV and drive a nail through his forehead all the white school kids would be tripping over each other trying to get to the hardware store to buy a hammer.
Here in Phoenix having some group's logo plastered on your car could get you shot by some gangbanger that thinks they suck...

At 1:28 PM, Blogger Timmy said...

...still trying to catch my breath. Demetri Martin once had a line about how he liked bumper stickers because they were a short-cut to getting to know a person...and realizing that you don't want to know them.

At 3:24 PM, Blogger David Stehle said...

I'm wondering if one day I will get into a car accident because I see people with all these bumper stickers on their car and I can't help but try and read them. It's not like I really care what they say, but when it's in front of me and I can barely make out the visible letters until I get closer, well I guess it's just a head game that for some odd reason I must read it. Strange, I know.

At 11:41 AM, Blogger Becky said...

I hate those fucking poser, wigger, white kids! Why ruin any car with a misfits sticker!?

At 10:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha! i immediately you have got to keep a camera in your car for moments like that! then i read the rest...saw you intend on getting a picture. perfect. so did he have those bullet hole stickers on there too?!!! haha what an assclown tool. but at least people like that provide some form of entertainment.

At 10:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 10:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said... X 2

At 10:07 PM, Blogger KyuBall said...

Actually, that reminds me...I saw a third thing that at first I laughed...then thought it was in poor taste:

Bullet hole stickers on an unmarked police cruiser.

How redneck can you get?

At 10:29 PM, Blogger Chickie said...

I think the bullet hole stickers on any car are redneck as hell.

I fucking HATE those sticker things that look like soccer balls that you see on the little doors to the gas tank.

At 10:29 PM, Blogger Chickie said...

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At 11:04 PM, Blogger kathi said...

See very few worth reading. Wanted to wish you a merry Christmas hon, hope yours is wonderful. See you after the holidays. Big hug.

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