Cynical Meat Sack

New Car Smell, Old Car Exhaust.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Art vs Porn

I was originally going to show you pictures of a really obscene snack food that I saw over the holiday weekend, but this afternoon my boss brought me something that I just had to share with the blog world.

Below is a letter my company received from a disgruntled mother who purchased an item from one of our clients. Obviously, she could only get our address and we’re just a distribution center…more on (moron?) that later.

(I’ve changed the names and places to protect the ignorant…and my job.)

December 29, 2005

TO: [Map Company]
C/O [Kyuball’s Company]
[1234 w. 1st street]
[Midwest, ST 00000]

FROM: [Ignorant Bitch]
P.O. Box [558]
[West Cost City, NorthWest State 00000]

RE: Children’s Map of the Solar System
Sold in [Club Store] late spring 2005

On the 26th of December, 2005, I returned this map to [Club Store] in [NorthWestern City and State]. I spoke with the Assistant Manager, [Wimpy Limp-dick], who can be reached at [555-555-5555].

This product came packaged with two (2) maps: One (1) of the solar system; One (1) of the world. I had given the world map away as a present. The solar system map went to my nine year old son.

Upon my son’s exploration of your “children’s map,” he found a naked woman beneath the satellite: Magellan (to the left of the sun). The image is very small, but clearly identifiable. What does this say to our children-that satellite dishes are watching naked women?

This is entirely inappropriate for a “children’s map.” [Club Store] refunded my money 9which I wasn’t asking for) and assured me they would no longer be carrying your products in the future.

[illegible signature]

CC: [Club Store in Purchased City]
CC: New York Newspaper, Consumer Affairs, New York City, NY
CC: ABC and NBC Television, Consumer Affairs, [nearby major city]
CC: [Home State] Attorney General, [City Capitol, Home State]

Ok. Before I get to the pictures, let me destroy…I mean, present a brief rebuttal on the text of the above letter:

“This product came packaged with two (2) maps: One (1) of the solar system; One (1) of the world.”
Why did she spell out the numbers AND place them in parentheses? She’s not a lawyer and this is not a contract…she should have also placed her son’s age in parentheses.

“I had given the world map away as a present.”
What a cheap ass bitch. Ok…she’s not fooling anyone. She bought this in the SPRING…even if it were “Late Spring” that’s May or June. So, she’s been sitting on this for nearly 6 months. Yeah, right. Her brat didn’t want the world map, he just wanted Buck Rodgers…which means one of her nephews got a world map stuffed in a paper bag.

“Upon my son’s exploration of your ‘children’s map,’...”
There’s an image.

“What does this say to our children-that satellite dishes are watching naked women?”
No, satellites beam pictures of naked women to our television sets so that daddy can crank one off because he can’t get it up for mommy’s flabby ass anymore.

“…refunded my money 9which…”
Not my typo, it was hers.

“CC: New York Newspaper, Consumer Affairs, New York City, NY”
Ok, I love that she copied this to all these organizations…but the Newspaper is the best. What newspaper exactly? From what I can find, there is no “New York Newspaper”. She named every other agency by it’s specific name…except the newspaper.

Before I go on to the pictures, I want to remind you of one bit of text: “…he found a naked woman beneath the satellite: Magellan…”

Magellan…hmm, where did the Magellan probe go?

Disclaimer: I took these with my phone's camera, so spare me the lecture on composition.

Here’s a picture of the map: (The red circle is where the obscene satellite is located)

The Map is 54” x 38”…that’s 4.5 feet long, and over 3 high. Not a small poster.

Here’s a picture of the Magellan Satellite above the planet VENUS.

Here’s another picture of the satellite, this time I used a magnifying glass to boost the picture of the naked woman.

Here’s a bigger picture of the woman.

So, the caricature of the Magellan satellite is taking pictures of a naked woman standing on a shell. Now, where have I seen that before?


Dumb, ignorant, close-minded, twit.

After making fun of this letter for an hour to co-workers and friends, I actually started to get mad. Someone this stupid was really trying to start a nationwide issue over a picture smaller than Eisenhower’s head on a dime.

What did I do? I tried to find this woman. First stop, Google. Winner! She has a website. She’s a paid speaker and has been published. She’s got several degrees and certifications in a few areas.

Most importantly…she’s uglier than Pug with a hairlip.

I’d share her web site with you…however, I’m sure that more than a few of you would contact her and give her the “what for”…then my cover would be blown and I really don’t want to lose my job over someone like this.

Anyway, this is getting way too long for my normal postings and I’m sure I’ve lost a few of you already. I’ll leave you with this: Don’t rely on the world to educate and raise your children, do it yourself.


At 12:20 AM, Blogger crallspace said...

That's funny... what a dumb old twat, not twit.

Reminds me of something this whackjob named "Tidy Bowl" would do... she frequents my blog and writes about stuff like why organic food is bad.

Are you sure the woman you googled is the same person? the exact same? Is she some fundy whacko?

At 7:38 AM, Blogger kathi said...

I enlarged and enlarged and I still can't see a naked woman...I see parts of a body, but not enough to really call it a naked lady. Do I need a larger screen or what?

At 10:12 AM, Blogger Becky said...

LMAO, what a dumb beeatch!

Btw, I finally linked you to my site, it's about time I did that!

Your blog is fucking funny!

At 5:37 PM, Blogger Deb said...

Was that a CARTOON of a naked lady? Oh GAWD, people have nothing better to do than to complain about a small little naked lady --cartoon for that matter. Her son is going to see a whole lotta' other stuff by the time he's what, 10? I mean, how old is this kid anyway? 17???? HA, imagine?

Loved this--thanks for the chuckle! Makes me hate people sometimes...ugh.......

At 9:53 PM, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

Amen Brother - my wife is a teacher and the parents seem to think it is up to her to fix their mistake.

Hey, wait 'til that "concerned mom" finds that Hustler Magazine under little Timmy's mattress!!

At 1:00 PM, Blogger KyuBall said...

Crall - yeah, the address in the letter is the same on her web site. And her real name isn't like "Jane Smith" it's rather unique. Based on her "job" I would expect this kind of reaction...and I'm actually leaning towards her using this as more of publicity stunt than actually being offended.

Kathi - don't feel bad, a phone is made for talking, not pictures.

Becky - thanks! I'll get you linked in soon too, I like your perspective on things.

Deb - Totally a cartoon picture...nipples smaller than the period in this sentence. I imagine she's one of those people that sit around watching Disney flicks, pausing it every 50 frames to see if a rock looks like a cock.

Phos - Good friend of mine is a teacher too...oh the stories he's told me.

At 3:46 PM, Blogger Becky said...

Truth or Dare on my blog, starting this coming Monday!

At 12:27 AM, Blogger Madeye said...

Ignorant bitches would be covered under my euthanasia plan.

At 12:35 AM, Blogger Madeye said...

People like that exist to be shat upon.

At 8:22 AM, Blogger Leesa said...

I absolutely love Botticelli! Hubbie would like the pictures Venus de Milo style (with no arms)!

At 1:52 AM, Blogger Awesome Jim said...

Sounds like a crazy old windbag bitch. I wouldn't get too worried, loudmouth, over-reacting cunts like this rarely do anything, and when they do, nobody wants to listen to them because they're old miserble windbag cunts.

At 8:21 AM, Blogger Chickie said...

What a silly twat. I like obscene and was trying to find it in the picture but it wasn't revealed to me. Maybe you need to have a stick shoved up your ass to see the nakedness clearly.

At 4:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! » »


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