Cynical Meat Sack

New Car Smell, Old Car Exhaust.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Holy Smurf

Have you seen the new campaign by UNICEF? It’s a depiction of the Smurfs getting bombed. You can see it here.

This is appearing in Belgium right now…which is good, because if that were shown in the U.S. it would be the funniest ad on television.

C’mon, how many people wanted to kill a Smurf? Smurfs were the Barney’s of the ‘80’s. My penultimate vision of the Smurfs had them caught in the cross-fire between G.I. Joe and Cobra forces.

The scene opens with Poppa Smurf teaching Smurfette the proper way to smurf his smurf and swallow his smurf while he ate her smurfy smurf.

The smurfalingus is interrupted by the scream of a squadron of GIJOE Mauler MBT tanks roll over the same horizon while Cobra H.I.S.S. tanks roll in from the opposing horizon into the Valley.

The ensuing battle ravages the Smurf village.

Meanwhile, several Smurfs are captured by Cobra forces and tortured for information. Destro becomes so incensed by the Smurfs constant smurf-like yammering that he has the prisoners dragged to a blue death from behind a STUN.

But, that’s me. I'd be a giddy kiddie to watch a truckload of Cabbage Patch dolls and Care Bears crash into the back of a School bus full of Strawberry Shortcakes and Polly Pockets, bursting into a fruit flavored happy-happy joy-joy flame filled pyre.

I guess the next ad we'll see will come from the ACLU. It'll be Fat Albert and the Gang getting beat down by the L.A.P.D.


At 12:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

best regards, nice info »


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