Cynical Meat Sack

New Car Smell, Old Car Exhaust.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

50 Foot, Bronze Hooka Pipe

This story is a bit old, but I’m so friggin sick of the whole Chenney incident that I could puke, so you’re getting old news.

This story comes out of Canada. It’s about a revived proposal to build a monument to U.S. “war resisters”, from the Viet Nam conflict, who fled to Canada instead of being drafted.

It’s a good thing that they want to build it in Canada. You can keep that shit up there.

“But, Kyu, these people were protesting an unjust war…this monument is a testament to their struggle and courage to stand up to the administration.”

Bullshit. They broke the law to save their own asses so they could get high, grow long hair, and fuck each other all day. (Ok…so some of that isn’t all bad, but they still broke the law.) While some poor guy was getting his legs blown off doing his duty to his country, those cowards were jumping ship, fleeing to Canada.

Let’s build a monument to cowards…great idea.

Oh…I know this will ruffle the feathers of my more liberal friends, such as Dan over at
Crallspace. So, let me throw in a little disclaimer here: I’m not saying that speaking out against the government makes you unpatriotic. Nope. I’m saying that if you dodged the draft, you’re a criminal and a coward. Cowards shouldn’t get memorialized.

Sure, some of those guys actually did it as a protest…but the majority fucked off ‘cause they were scared shitless and couldn’t knuckle up and do their duty because they wanted to get stoned instead…so, some other poor shit got stuck in the jungle getting shot.

I remember when I was a kid, probably around 12 or 13 years old. I was at my Grandparents house sitting at the dinner table across from my Grandfather who was a WWII vet. I was spouting off some rhetoric about leaving the country if there ever were another draft, rather than go off to die.

The look that my Gramps gave me was like a slap across my face. It was like I just wiped my ass with the US Flag and started a BBQ with it. He gave me the lecture of my life that day…it was a civics lesson I’ll never forget.

He explained to me what it meant to be an American. How we’re living in the greatest nation in the world, with freedoms that some people will never ever experience. He told me about how he had been wounded by shrapnel fighting in the Pacific theater. He wanted me to realize that, while he hoped that I would never have to experience war, that to run away and turn my back on the call from our nation would be the most cowardly and dishonorable thing a man could do.

The draft dodgers do not deserve a monument. They barely deserve the pardon that Carter gave them. If anything, the veterans that served deserve an apology from these twerps.

As a side note…don’t you think that this whole thing with Chenney is getting blown WAY out of proportion? I’m talking J.Lo, Beniffer, Nick and Jessica out of proportion. The guy shoots his buddy in the face and first thing he’s supposed to do is call a press conference? I don’t remember Clinton calling up Oprah saying, “Hey, you’ll never believe what just happened. I was walking through the Oval office today, my pants fell down, I tripped, and my dick got stuck in the mouth of an intern.”

He made a mistake, one that could have cost his friend his life. If that were my friend the first thing I do is call an ambulance, not a news truck. Yes…it’s news. But, why is it Dick’s job to report it? Isn't that what reporters are for?

Alright, enough ranting. Enjoy your weekend!


At 10:46 PM, Blogger Mathieu said...


Don't know much about that story. But still, it's a bit weird. Didn't hear about the monument until now. No opinion here.

Thanks for the book reference. I'll look it up. So much to read. So much to learn.

I wonder if one day, I'll stop being interested in all that.

Good day KyuBall.

At 5:53 AM, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

I was number 263 in the draft lottery, missed Vietnam, but wound up in the military later anyway - never regretted a minute of it. I think everyone should serve the country in some fashion before being allowed to vote. Things earned are more dear than things just given.

While they are working on a memorial to draft dogers, how about one to child molesters? Canada seems to really be working to piss the US off. Vive La Quebec!

As far as Cheney, you are right, shit happens. He blasted one of his buds, a strain on the relationship, maybe, butit wasn't like he was behind outting one of our CIA agents or anything, right??

At 3:48 PM, Blogger Velvet Fog said...

Blastin' your buds happens around here all the time.
Aint no thing, we got towels and shit right?

At 5:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I couldnt agree more.....I did run from a dober pincher once. Big UPS for Grampy! And Carter, you suck, I never liked you. Yeah my bro GW might be an idiot sometimes but at least he isnt a spineless idiot (that he could never be accused of).

At 12:59 PM, Blogger Sarah Letnes said...

I was kind of hoping that the news media would be speechless because someone from the Bush administration actually owned up to something.

Draft dodgers grind my grits, too--especially ones that run for office.

At 12:35 AM, Blogger RocksAndChairs said...

i think that the fuckers who start the wars should fight the wars and not make innocent people do it for them while they sit on their asses coming up with more people to piss off and butt into other's affairs.

i'm pretty sure if that was the case there wouldn't really be any wars to begin with.

i think that's retarded to build a monument to people who just crossed the border. whoopdie fucking dew, i do it all the time where's my monument?

At 3:17 PM, Blogger crallspace said...

If it were a legitimate cause, and "serving your country" were a true statement when referring to Viet NAM, I would agree. Just b/c a few shitheads in power decide to call a war does not mean that every able-bodied male citizen should go and do the dirty work. That would be hard to tell a vet, but that's what I truely believe. Seeing the war in Iraq and who is in charge of that one, I would say that dodging the draft would NOT be a cowardly gesture, but an honorable one.

I would never risk my life for Bush-profit. That's all this current war is about. I don't know much about NAM, having not been alive at the time, but if it was half as bogus as this current mess, draft dodgers were not being cowards. Of course fear plays a part in it, but if it';s something you simply don't believe in, why the fuck risk your life for it? That's like telling an atheist to join the priesthood.

As far as Dick's story, true, he didn't have to call a newstruck right away, but he didn't have to wait a whole day either. Plus, we are learning about inconsistencies left and right in his story. Fuck him and his lies! He needs to be held accountable for SOMETHING, and if a seemingly unimportant "hunting accident" is what does it, so be it.

At 4:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i completely agree on the cheney thing. he was hunting. shit happens like that.

this is the 1st time i have heard of this monument thing and that's a bunch of shit. i hope if it gets built that it gets blown up.

At 7:33 PM, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

I served, missed Vietnam, did Desert Storm 1 and Bosnia. I was proud to serve - the military is one part of our foreign policy. I may not agree with that policy, but you get to have alot of freedom and privileges that people in other countries only dream of and I believe you need to earn those privileges.

A draft dodger is like a spoiled child who gets everything he wants, but bolts the minute someone mentions paying the tab.

There are a lot of folks that served or are serving that would take umbrage with anyone shirking their duty to their country and letting someone else shoulder the responsibility. If you have problems with the way foreign policy is or isn't being conducted, run for congress and change it.

At 10:21 AM, Blogger Becky said...

Where did Kyuball go?!

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