Cynical Meat Sack

New Car Smell, Old Car Exhaust.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

My Weekend

Nephrolithiasis. Sounds like a former Roman emperor, right?

Nope. This is one of the clinical terms for having kidney stones.

Back in 2002, I passed one of these little bastards in the ER. The ER? Well, yeah, you see…for those that have never had one…this is a really painful process. You’re “passing” a rock from your kidney to your bladder and then you “pass” it from your bladder to whatever you use to catch piss to prevent it from landing on your floor.

I have to take a pause here to point out that “pass” is such a light term to use for this process. The pain involved ranks above “pass”. It’s more like a forcible ejection. The stone is like a belligerent drunk getting kicked out of a club…only he doesn’t want to leave. So, he scrapes and claws at everything he can on his way out.

For me, the most painful leg of the stone’s journey is from the kidney to the bladder. Mostly it feels like a muscle spasm. Sometimes, more like a knifing.

This weekend I’ve been enjoying the latter stages of forcible ejection. Kidney to bladder wasn’t too bad this time, I woke up thinking that I had slept wrong. An hour later, I got that funny feeling like I had a small blockage…yeah, that feels like sitting on your sack, guys. That’s when I knew I’d be having another stone soon.

Something that isn’t taught in public schools about kidney stones…once you have one…you’ll have more. You’re a lifer. So, once the first stone drops, the quarry is open for business.

There are plenty of things that you can do to prevent them. Cranberry juice is a fan favorite. I like mine with a little Grey Goose…but, that messes with my acid reflux. So, mostly I stick with drinking about half a gallon of water a day. This works, for the most part. I haven’t had a stone in almost a year.

Here’s what the last one looked like:

I passed this little jewel at work. It actually came out in TWO parts. The other chunk is lost for ever. I was standing there peeing and praying to the Almighty that I'd finally pass the geoad that I'd been carrying around on hold for 5 days. And then it happened. Actually moving the stone through the urinary tract doesn't register until those final few inches, then...well, I'm not sure how to describe it exactly...except like your dick is vomiting...minus the dry heaves, burning throat, and abdominal cramping. Graphic, I know, but there really isn't anything in my frame of reference that I can use that's similar. Anyway, so my cock shoots out the first bit of shale that shakes me so bad that my aim goes high and I literally bounce it off the rim and it lands on the floor. His brother came out with much less aggravation and a small splash. I let him go, but the other one got washed off and shown around the office.

That’s right, I keep them. Gross you say? Why shouldn’t I keep them? Anything I worked that hard to produce ain’t getting flushed down the shitter. Besides, the wife has always wanted a rock garden, this way will save me the trip to Lowes.

In conclusion…as I sit here and patiently await the birth of yet another present from the seven dwarves working the mine in my kidney, I ask you for a moment of silence for my Colts who couldn’t turn it around today and got beaten by the Steelers. Flashbacks of ’95 still haunt our fair city.


At 10:49 PM, Blogger kathi said...

Okay then. Good to know. :) I've never had any stones to pass, and now I'm really praying that it will never happen! But the rock garden line, cracked me up.

Yeah, so sad about the Colts. Seriously, real disappointment.

At 11:49 PM, Blogger Chickie said...

If it's that much work getting something out of your body then it deserves a name.

At 1:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

gees almighty! wow. ouch X 196! i cant even imagine those things moving through things they arent supposed to go through.

ugh...i've been waiting to see if you said anything about that heartbreaking game. talk about up and down. not over yet...yeah it's over thank goodness dont wanna see anymore...NO wait not over yet! only for it be over in a bad way. i hate the steelers.

At 5:46 PM, Blogger David Stehle said...

Heehee, my Steelers kicked your Colts out of the playoffs!

Sorry, I know you are in pain over it, but I loved the outcome of the game. :)

At 11:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i heard about it... now i'm reading it, i know i'm gonna buy cranberry juice tomorrow, i'll drink it straight up.. with or without the vodka :D

is there any medicine for that?? i mean to stop producing those stones?

At 7:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

AWW DAMN KYU, I feel for you, Im a three time kidney stone recipient, so I know what you feel. I know a woman I work with who had them already 27 times in the course of her life time and 5 children.....she says giving birth is whole easier to deal with. Me, I cut out all of those things that contribute to the stone and Im a avid water drinker like you now.
Sorry about the Colts, I was rootin for them, cant believe they lost that one. At least then went out Giants went out with a big disgraceful thud.

At 11:26 AM, Blogger crallspace said...

Holy hell... you had me cringing for most of that post. Like the Seinfeld episode when Kramer had one, I can't bear the thought. Cranberry juice... must buy cranberry juice.

At 9:43 PM, Blogger Dan said...

"The stone is like a belligerent drunk getting kicked out of a club…only he doesn’t want to leave. So, he scrapes and claws at everything he can on his way out."

Brilliant!! A buddy at work is currently on stone number 15 or so. Only upside: he shares his drugs!

At 11:42 AM, Blogger Timmy said...

That picture hurts to look at.

At 3:59 PM, Blogger Becky said...

Dude, that looks so gross! I can't even imagine the pain, although I've had many bladder infections, a.k.a. urinary tract infections those suck!

At 7:23 PM, Blogger Sarah Letnes said...

I have breaking kidney stone news: William Shatner sold his kidney stone for $25,000!

At 6:44 AM, Blogger crystalandjerry said...



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