Cynical Meat Sack

New Car Smell, Old Car Exhaust.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Whitey Invades Ghetto

(OK, I don't know what's up with Blogger, but evertime I tried to add a link, using the little hyperlink button, it deletes all the text after the link...until I typed the link in. So, you'll just have to deal with ugly links.)

This has got to be the most racist and bigoted news article I’ve ever read. Seriously. Some of you may not think that…but, to prove my point, read through this and substitute the words “Black” for “White” and “White” for “Black”.

I guarantee you, had this article been written with that take, it never would have made the news and the writer probably would have been fired and sued by the ACLU.

For those of you who hate to click links, here’s a summary:

Whites in Seattle and Portland are now moving into historically predominantly Black neighborhoods, while Blacks are moving outside the city into the predominantly White neighborhoods. So called Black activists are complaining…yes, complaining…that because of the rise in home values that this “invasion” of white, rich folk is causing it’s “destroying” them “socially and politically” and that it’s “a total inconvenience and disrespect to Black folks.”

I hope that quote was taken out of context. How is that disrespectful? White folk can’t live with Black folk? This activist is honestly SUPPORTING segregation. What a fucking joke…and this story got buried. Where’s the outrage from the ACLU? Nowhere.

Think about this: What happens to career activists if the racial divide is gone? If suddenly, one day, we don’t judge people by skin, but by character. Yeah, they have to find real jobs. So, I’ve got a real hard time believing that some, if not most, of these so called leaders of the Black community hold back these people or encourage and incite more division rather than foster cohesion.

Quick Update(s):

Remember the fuck stick sales chick that drove me Nucking Futs one day?

Well, she quit last month. Why? Because, we hired a new sales manger who expects the sales force to SELL instead of running up large expense reports. She quit because she thought she had enough pull to threaten to quit and get away with it. Only the owners called her bluff and she left with no prospects. She tried to ask for her job back, but that didn’t happen.

Kinda makes me feel all warm inside.


I don’t have any pictures of the hack ‘n slash day we had to placate the Yard Nazi. Sorry. I got into it and totally forgot about it. The real plus is that one of the Yard SS troops came over while wifey and I were clearing one of the fence lines:

“We’re still fri-ends, right?”

Outside voice: “Aww…sure, we under-stand.”
Inside voice: “God, I hope you die soon.”

Cool part of the day was ripping a fence line infested with saplings and small softwood trees out with my truck. Low 4 will make the testosterone level jump by 30% everytime.


At 11:50 PM, Blogger The Phosgene Kid said...

Should haev told the Storm Trooper you'd be friends right after you burn his house down to the ground and drive his family out of the state.

If anyone has problem with an ethnic group moving in and destroying proerty values or increasing them as the case may be, they should move to El Mirage. The place is such a festering boil on the ass of the earth Bill Gates could move out here and the property values would still be in the crapper. Great location for immigrant drop houses, durg stashes, and Meth labs, though. Good thing we're getting a Wal-Mart, that should give property values a real shot in the arm, eh?

At 10:34 PM, Blogger crallspace said...

If you want the ACLU to take up the case against that ass clown, contact them. The ACLU defended Rush Limbaugh for crying out loud. They even defended Nazi's rights to burn down their building, yes, the ACLU headquarters. Don't underestimate them--- they are a great organization that is fair about EVERYONE's civil liberties. Don't believe the O'Reilly line that they are "dangerous."

Glad to hear the sales associate left. I remember that post.

At 12:34 AM, Blogger Sarah Letnes said...

MSNBC seems to have yanked their article. But it looks like the report in the Washington Post says that Portland is already the second whitest city in America. The black population is decreasing. People who were living in predominantly black neighborhoods are being forced out by rising rent. ***

Ding-dong the witch is dead! Congrats. Her asking for her job back is like the ending to an office fairy tale.

At 11:27 PM, Blogger Becky said...

Of course you are still friends with the nice Yard Nazi mother fucking piece of shit ass bag!

p.s. the link didn't work, said, page can't be found.


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