Cynical Meat Sack

New Car Smell, Old Car Exhaust.

Monday, July 10, 2006

20 Questions Tuesday

So, this past Christmas I got this game. 20 Q, made by Radica. Supposedly, it can guess what you’re thinking of in 20 questions or less. It’s more like 25 to 30 questions, the first one is actually 5 – Is it an Animal? Vegetable? Mineral? Other? Unknown? If it doesn’t get it in the first 20, it asks five more.

I figured I’d start my own re-occurring theme.

Every Tuesday, I’ll post an item to stump the game. After today’s item, I’ll accept suggestions for next week.

This week’s item:

A Keg

1. Animal? No
Vegetable? No
Mineral? No
Other? Yes
2. Is it used in a Sport? No, kegstands don't count.
3. Is it worth a lot of money? Yes...some more than others.
4. Is it something you can purchase? Sometimes
5. Does it come in a box?'s not wine.
6. Can it be heard? No...pumping the keg doesn't count.
7. Is it outside? No...not usually.
8. Could it be found in a classroom? No...unless you're a Delta Tau Chi.
9. Do you use it in public? Yes.
10. Is it straight? No
11. Can it be washed? Yes
12. Do you wear it? No...what's inside, yes.
13. Can it be painted? Rarely, liquor stores don't like it much when you do that.
14. Do you hold it when you use it? Sometimes
15. Does it have a hard outer shell? Yes
16. Does it contain a liquid? Yes
17. Would you pay to use it? Yes
18. Is it heavier than a pound of butter? Yes, but less than a pound of feathers.
19. Would you use it daily? Rarely...anymore.

It’s a wine bottle. No, but you're close.

20. Does it roll? Sometimes.

It’s a bottle of wine. No twit, it's not bottle with wine, either.

21. Is it comforting? Sometimes...the answer isn't in the bottom of the keg, but that doesn't mean you can't look.
22. Would you give it as a gift? Rarely
23. Does it come in different colors? Sometimes
24. Is it heavy? Yes...full.
25. Can you lift it? Sometimes

It’s a Keg. Bitch.

Now...give me your ideas. The best one goes up next week.