Give Peace the Finger
I have got to stop reading news stories. Maybe I should start hitting up Comic Book sites or spend my lunch breaks cruising for trailers. There are genuine news stories that just make me want to fling the monitor across the office.
Take this story for instance: Christian Peacemaker Teams were abducted in Iraq. One American, One Brit, and Two Canadians. CPT blames the US and UK for the abductions “due to the illegal attack on Iraq and the continuing occupation and oppression of its people.”
Huh. Can’t blame the kidnappers, nope, they couldn’t help it. The Coalition Forces twisted the terrorists’ arms and made them say ‘Uncle” then told them to pick up a couple of old white dudes and their two Canadian Kwikie-Mart owner buddies.
C’mon…are you serious? This is what is so fucked up about some Liberals. These poor guys are probably going to get chopped up and instead of placing the blame on the twisted shit-stained, coward ass-bag terrorists…they’re going to blame the US.
Why not, everyone else does.
Here's the "kicker". The CPT's motto: "Committed to Reducing violence, by getting in the way." That's NOT in the article.
These people purposely put themselves in harm's way in order to stop violence. What stupid fucking morons. The CPT released a statement that read in part, "We fear that whoever is holding them has made a mistake."
No, Bright-mind, you jack-pipes made the mistake. You think these animals give a shit about who is or who is not in the US/UK military. They don't care what your mission statement is. Nope...they saw four Christians and said, TARGET ACQUIRED.
Don't you get it!?! Muslims HATE least those Muslims do. You're an infidel. You might as well have been carrying a M-16 instead of a bible. It's the same thing to them. Dumb-ass.
I really want to feel sorry for these guys. Really. If they lose their heads, I'll be upset, but it's almost like feeling sorry for the Crocodile Hunter when a snake bites him...after he's fucked with it for 20 minutes. You can't be surprised that they've been abducted. They probably went door to door and asked to be kidnapped and paraded across Al-Ghraib-ur-Boob'i TV.
Any entity that is not directly related to security or the military has no business being in Iraq. You’re practically putting a friggin sign on your neck that screams CUT ME! Anybody that needs a harsh reminder of what these animals are capable of, can go to Most western companies have moved their people out. If you’re still there, you’re at risk, all the time. These finger pointers aren’t helping anybody BUT the terrorists.
Don’t coddle these bastards, they’re terrorists…cowards. They can’t take on the real armed forces, so they go for non-combatants, civilians. Pure fucking cowards. If you support them, in any way, you are not helping anyone...not even the scum-fuck terrorist towel heads. They'll keep believing the whole Virgins in Heaven thing and we'll have more headless bodies.
I have to go kick something.